Small Changes
For a
Healthier "U"

Together we will explore concerns specific to your unique body and, through diet and lifestyle, discover the tools you need for a lifetime of balance.

Experiencing pain? Stuck in your comfort zone? Repeating bad habits?

My name is Nadia Kawash – I am a Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach specialized in Integrative Functional Medicine, certified from The School of Applied Functional Medicine. The core of my practice is piecing together different aspects of my client’s lives (functional medicine tests, lifestyle, diet, stress and self care) in order to get to the root cause of their problems. Once I identify the problem, I then work hand-in-hand with my clients to build a solution through diet, nutraceuticals and lifestyle changes.

My aim is to heal your body on the deepest level, teaching you to cherish and respect it. By implementing small changes, you can free yourself from a range of painful or uncomfortable symptoms and reach a place where you ought to be: feeling good, energetic, light, focused and with better skin and digestion. 

Have you been considering embarking on your health journey but have questions?

I am thrilled to offer a free 20-minute Discovery Call to help you confidently decide if we are a good match and can work together.

During this call, you can share your health issues and get guidance on what steps you should take to customize your individualized health journey.

Need a functional medicine interpretation of your lab results to help uncover the true story behind your blood markers, as opposed to following the ‘optimal’ reference range?

What does OPTIMAL even mean?

By the time you get an official diagnosis, it might be too late to make the necessary changes. Catch the signs and hidden clues before they develop into disease with a functional medicine lab analysis.

Health Coaching

With so many resources out there on how we can improve our health, it’s amazing our heads aren’t spinning out of control! There is conflicting information on what diets we should follow, whether its low-fat, vegan, paleo or any of the hundreds of others out there. All this information can leave us all a bit overwhelmed on what steps we should take to better our health. I’m here to help navigate you through this journey!


Bioenergy healing eliminates pain, regenerates tissue, dramatically boosts the immune system, speeds the healing process, increases blood circulation, helps achieve peak performance in life (athletic, professional, personal) and balances the electromagnetic field in and around the body (mind, body, soul). I use bioenergy to help heal my clients from a variety of diseases.

Personalized Programs

I believe in the term “Bio-individuality” – one man’s food is another man’s poison. We all have different DNA and, therefore, we all have different reactions to specific foods. Following this belief, I provide you with a personalized program that caters to your specific needs in order to achieve your optimal goal.

Corporate Services

Employee health and wellness has been proven to boost productivity and happiness in the workplace. Those employees who have the opportunity to partake in health and wellness programmes provided by the workplace are not only more generally healthy and active than those who don’t, but they also feel a better connection to their workplace and colleagues.

For Schools

Eating behaviours and habits are formed from a young age which is why it’s so important to teach children about health and nutrition. By working with children’s families, schools have the ability to impact and improve health for future generations by educating students on healthy eating and balanced lifestyles.

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