Zucchini Spiral with Pesto Sauce


  • 6 zucchinis
  • 6 roasted cherry tomatoes
  • 150 g fresh basil
  • 1/4 cup cashew nuts
  • 1/8 cup pine nuts
  • Olive oil and salt to taste


  1. Pesto Sauce:
    Finely chop the basil, cashew and pine nuts. Add olive oil and salt to your liking.
  2. Zucchini:
    Put zucchini into spiralizer.
  3. Roasted cherry tomatoes:
    Place the tomatoes in the oven. Drizzle a little live oil, salt and pepper. Bake at 375 until they shrivel .


Place all in a bowel and mix. Garnish with the tomato and a few basil leaves.