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Marshmallow Tea
3 tbsp Marshmallow root- from amazon
1 tbsp Cinnamon bark
1 cups water
A healing and soothing tonic.
Mix the ingredients together and place in a jar.
To prepare a big amount ahead of time:
Bring to a boil then let cool and store in a sealed container overnight.
The Drink is good for the following:
Canker sores in the mouth- swish it in your mouth and swallow.
Sore throat
Cold/flu or dry cough
Sunburn/wound – just add some on the skin and bandage it.
Gut issues – add 1 or 2 peppermint leaves and drink the concoction.
Bladder issues/urgency etc. very soothing
Just make sure to take it 4 hours away from medication- as it inhibits the absorption of some medication.