Should we be concerned about elevated LDL-C when on a low-carb diet?

Should we be concerned about elevated LDL-C when on a low carb diet? A few clients have come to me asking about LDL cholesterol and if they should be concerned when they test it and realized that it has become elevated after following a low carb diet that their doctor had recommended, they went on […]
Revive Your Primary Food to Thrive

When I went to coaching school, they always spoke about Primary and secondary foods and how they needed to be in balance for us to thrive and achieve optimal health. We all have experienced Primary food, but no one ever explained it to me properly until I attended my coaching program…
Sugar, How Addicted Are We?

Sugar, How Addicted Are We? I don’t think anybody realizes how addicted we are to this substance. It comes under different names and it is in everything we eat. Are you addicted to sugar? if so,well you’re not alone. In 2007 a group of researchers found that sugar surpasses what is called “cocaine reward” in […]
Real Food Consumption and The Effect It Has

Real Food Consumption and The Effect It Has As we all know, real food contains many important nutrients that our bodies need in order to function properly. How many of us actually stop, think and consider that our outer layer “skin, hair and nails” are merely a reflection of the chemical process of what we […]
Why Is Table Salt Bad for You?

Why Is Table Salt Bad for You? 90% of all salt produced is used for industrial applications: making of soap, detergents, plastic, agricultural chemicals etc…. only a small percentage goes for human consumption. The industries require pure sodium chloride NACL. However, salt in nature ie. Sea salt or natural crystal salt contain all the minerals […]
Why Do Heart Doctors Favour Surgery and Drugs Over Diet?

Why Do Heart Doctors Favor Surgery and Drugs Over Diet? This article that was copied and pasted from Dr. Greger’s Medical Nutrition BlogWritten by Michael Greger M.D. on June 2nd, 2015. When he was a surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. published a controversial paper in the American Journal of Cardiology, highlighted […]
Pharmaceutical Intervention Vs Diet and Lifestyle Changes

Pharmaceutical Intervention Vs Diet and Lifestyle Changes Hello everyone. Just got back from Vienna – what an absolutely beautiful place. It’s an open-air museum, the architecture is very grand. It is a very friendly and a safe city, great for kids too. Lots too do: from shopping to visiting museums and touring the city. I […]
Are You Fed up of Being Bloated All the Time?

Are You Fed up of Being Bloated All the Time? There is nothing worse than that uncomfortable feeling of being bloated. You wake up in the morning and your bloated. You eat late at night and your bloated. On your way out of the house you grab a handful of nuts then you realize your […]
The Difference between Hungry vs. appetite

The Difference between Hungry vs. appetite Hunger and appetite are two very different things. Hunger is the physical need for food whereas appetite is the desire for food. Hunger occurs with low levels of glucose in your blood, several hours after eating – it is a protective mechanism that ensures your body is adequately fueled. […]
Have You Heard of the 80 / 20 Rule?

Have You Heard of the 80 / 20 Rule? 95 % of people, who go on a diet, gain the weight back and add some more weight than what they started with. There is only a 5 % successful rate and that is pretty slim. Calories do not matter because calories in do not equal […]