Revive Your Primary Food to Thrive

When I went to coaching school, they always spoke about Primary and secondary foods and how they needed to be in balance for us to thrive and achieve optimal health. We all have experienced Primary food, but no one ever explained it to me properly until I attended my coaching program…

Is Cholesterol our Friend or our Enemy and How is it Related to the Liver?

I would like to talk about cholesterol because I feel a lot of people assume that cholesterol is bad for us and it has been given a bad name. In reality, it’s very important for our health and longevity. It plays a crucial part in cognitive function, cell membrane integrity and sex hormone production.

How to maintain a healthy body

As many of you know I am a functional medicine practitioner, health coach that looks for the root cause of your problem and solves it through diet and lifestyle changes. I have been studying functional medicine for several years now and I keep updating myself with the latest courses as new research comes along and attending seminars to help keep me up to date and help me understand the human body better.

Is your body giving you signs that you may need a cleanse?

Hello and welcome to 2022! Everyone begins the New Year deciding once again to own their health and make lasting changes. Before you decide to embark on some crazy meal plan, diet or drastic exercise program I would like you to stop for a second, reflect inwards and listen to your inner voice that speaks on behalf of your body.

Keys to a Successful New Year

Keys to a Successful New Year 1. Recognize what you already do for self-care Are you happy with this? or do you feel you need to add more/less. It could be anything from exercising, reading a book, painting, singing, quiet time, being more spiritual/ socializing. No matter what it is, don’t judge yourself and compare […]

Do you have the right tools in your toolbox?

health coaching

Do you have the right tools in your toolbox? I hope you all had a wonderful summer and have settled back into your daily routine life. Some of you are settling the kids back into school and others are returning to work. Whichever one it is, you must always remember to take care of yourselves […]

Is There a Connection Between Alcohol Consumption and Sleep?

health coach

Is there a connection between alcohol consumption and sleep? Last month, I spoke about the importance of sleep and its impact on our cellular metabolism (chemical reactions that occur in the body to maintain life),s and how hormones are a symphony orchestrated by the body’s main conductor, cortisol, and how this impacts the body. Today […]

What Are Probiotics? And How Important Are They?

healthy living

What Are Probiotics? And How Important Are They? What we all don’t seem to understand is “How food is our medicine”. What we eat affects how we feel on the inside and outside of our bodies. The First area to be effected by what we eat is our digestive system. The saying goes “All DISEASES […]

Blood Works and Their Importance

healthier living

Blood Works and Their Importance The American Science Journal states that anyone “healthy” over the ages of 25-39 should have blood works done every 5 years and everyone 40 and above should have them on a yearly basis. I have noticed with my clients that many do not do their blood works because: They find […]

Sugar, How Addicted Are We?​

healthier lifestyle

Sugar, How Addicted Are We?​ I don’t think anybody realizes how addicted we are to this substance. It comes under different names and it is in everything we eat. Are you addicted to sugar? if so,well you’re not alone. In 2007 a group of researchers found that sugar surpasses what is called “cocaine reward” in […]